Gestalt Knitting Design with Kitty Bryan--Saturday, October 21, 10:30am-2:30pm
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Have you ever purchased a beautiful skein of hand-painted yarn just to have it look like mud when
knitted? Understanding the dyer's approach to the dye pattern is the first step in maintaining the beauty of the yarn. The second step is transforming the yarn into a fabric that highlights the dye pattern. This workshop presents the basis of Gestalt fabric. Gestalt fabrics are considered as a whole and create an effect that amounts to more than the sum of the stitches, fiber, and color. The goal is to move the knitter from “performing a stitch in a pattern” to “understanding the way a stitch will look and perform”. Designed with purpose, each element of knitted fabric is carefully selected to suit the unique characteristics of an individual hand painted skein. Taught in a workbook format, there are no materials or skills necessary for this class.
knitted? Understanding the dyer's approach to the dye pattern is the first step in maintaining the beauty of the yarn. The second step is transforming the yarn into a fabric that highlights the dye pattern. This workshop presents the basis of Gestalt fabric. Gestalt fabrics are considered as a whole and create an effect that amounts to more than the sum of the stitches, fiber, and color. The goal is to move the knitter from “performing a stitch in a pattern” to “understanding the way a stitch will look and perform”. Designed with purpose, each element of knitted fabric is carefully selected to suit the unique characteristics of an individual hand painted skein. Taught in a workbook format, there are no materials or skills necessary for this class.